Monday, December 31, 2018

Mouse day.

...The same week of Sandy Eggo,the co -workers & I had a very special trip planned to Disney California for employee appreciation day. (You can only imagine how much my bank account was hating me!) My co-worker Roxy & I had never been so it was kindaaaa of a big deal ...I mean whatever. Anyway we were stoked the only thing that went wromg was our manager not being able to make it because her car was having issues :(

WE FOUND OURSELVES THERE SUPER EARLY... READY TO FACE OUR FEARS & bring out our inner childhood.The air was filled with that lovely churro scent & the sweet aroma coming from the cafe ....oh i could've fainted right there & then.
Before I continue you must know I don't do crazy  rides... specially the ones were you find yourself upside down...uh noooo.
But I wanted to get on the ferris wheel ..& Roxy was not Having it so we made a deal get on the ferris wheel & I will get on the incredibles ride.How bad can it be?!? ...

This is from inside the ferris wheel cart...I will confess once we were up really high I wanted to panic.And looking over at Roxy didn't help she had her back pack open ready to puke if needed. 
Lucky for us we sat next to this lovely couple who later assured me they both wouldn't do the incredicoaster.I was officially freaking out.We grabbed a beer before dying time. I finished my beer & looked over at the damn thing I really have to get on it Roxy?!? Yes...I got on the ferris wheel she says.So with sweaty palms & a frown on my face we made line for it ...fml.

The outcome I passed out ...& The parademics arrived shortly.
.. kidding I did close my eyes for most of the ride.I have no clue how fast we were going but when the person is next to you laughing & screaming it felt like an eternity.
The last few seconds I shouted over to her "I'm going to kill you for making me get on this!" 
Once off,safe on the ground I thanked the universe for getting me through that. Did we just get on that?!? Roxy! I'm in one piece holy shit!!!! 
"Let's do it again" she says...
Da fuk I ain't....the only way to convince me is another beer & a churro & even then it's not a guarantee. 

                        Winter Michelada

One of my favorites was cars land,it was such a fun ride & I can clearly understand why the wait to this is 60 plus minutes. The scenery & detail is simply breathtaking. It was one of the few that didn't have me shitting bricks. 


The Disney workshop wins though! We got to draw one of my ALL-TIME favorite characters Sally from the nightmare before Christmas.Like Roxy said this was meant for you! It was so relaxing & the guy giving the class was ador-ABle. 

As night approached ...we had one big ride left on Roxy's list. The guardians of the Galaxy ride...once there looking high up at the building i freaked. "Umh...yeah I think I will wait for you out here .. this is where I draw the line" But nontheless she convinced me ..worst mistake! 
Our manager had told us this was her favorite ride maybe its not that bad ...boy where we wrong.
There's not JUST one drop ...there's multiple!!!! I mean your ass is literally off the damn seat. At the end it takes you all the way to the top & there's a tiny window that opens to show you the view of the city...and you think awww wow so beautiful...& then you drop. I was unprepared & ended up holding hands with a complete stranger & after it was over he proceeds to ask me "are you okay?" Looking rather concerned.Boy...was I embarrassed....:) Don't get me started on how I came out on the damn's hidden evidence! 

To end this was a great experience.It had me feeling young again.I will definitely be back for the workshop class & the kiddie rides.Thanks to Roxy for keeping up with my scaredy cat self. Till next time Disney. 

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sandy Eggo & their most creepiest attraction? The Whaley house!

The following day Tuesday Morning still feeling like it was Monday night & did we really see AFI LAST NIGHT? did we really hang out with Adam and Hunter after the show? eh..check out is at 11:30 ...gah I forgot what its like to be this sore from a show it's a good feeling :) I really wish there was a night 2! I would do it all over again! 

As we left the hotel I was saddened to see that the kitty from last night was no longer there ... *sigh* Anyway luggage went in the trunk and we stormed into the streets of San Diego in search for something to photograph,a story to tell, or simply just something different to see that we wouldn't find in LA or Lancaster. We were set on the Whaley house,a cemetery and some other things going on

.We came across some pretty cute but overly expensive souveneirs! WHY? $10 dollars for this?! I'd rather get me a cup of joe & still have money left over. 
San Diego you are ALL about cats,I see here....stuff like that made me miss MY i silently weeped every time no one was watching.I wonder what they're doing right now? ..ok ok FOCUS.

So there it was The Haunted Whaley House,it was almost as if it was daring us to come in,I didn't think it was spooky when we were standing from the outside,maybe because it was broad daylight had i been there at dark? then maybe i would think twice. We took the famous Instagram shot,or the thousand dollar shot.And we walked right in to the gift shop ...oh this IS IT? not creepy at all pffft i got this.It wasnt till we stepped foot in to the court house that I felt the air really stuffy,the vibe changed and I was like " OKAY i see you Whaley house" total Alyssa Edwards style! I put my phone away and i read the paper they handed to us."What the fuck is going on in here on this day?!"

We then headed to my favorite part,and the cutest room i thought was the checkered floor kitchen oh how cute! The cauldrons,the way the broom stick was placed,the pumpkins i could see myself baking a cake in there.Unfortunately we could only take photos through a window we couldn't step foot inside and that kinda bummed me out.

We made our way upstairs as my ancient friend was mumbling about how dangerous these stairs where and what if a child were to fall over? calm down city inspection he then proceeded to try to punch the staircase to see if it was still sturdy. All this while i'm growing nauseous ...gawwwd  quit ya whining pops!

  The Theater room another classic,this is where it gets even more interesting.
So ...we walked in took pictures,i took some classic photos of b2 that perhaps he shall never share with the world.He took a seat because you know ? being as ancient as he is.*Ahem* Then I took a seat right across on the other aisle I sat there staring at the stage wondering what it'd be like to watch a show here? Then I felt someone tap me on my lower back,i turned my friend's still sitting on the other side.I wasn't scared I didn't think anything of it at the time. We took a look at the other rooms.

 I found the children's bedroom a little uneasy, that little doll on the tiny bed......creepy right?!

This was the last room we saw,fancy looking living room right? 
I almost forgot to mention the ladies working the gift shop and tour were dressed in Victorian era dresses.One of them was super chatty & had a ton of stories to share with us...I mean c'mon she works in a haunted house! There's bound to be crazy experiences.She talked about how one time she walked into a meeting in the courtroom,also how shes heard children laughing in the hallways.Big heavy footsteps upstairs,and how she once saw the family dog in one of the rooms. I stood there speechless,but then she made an interesting point & I don't know if it's going to make sense to any of you but she said there's no such thing as ghosts. She says it all has to do with time,slipping  into the past in a different dimension.At least that's what I got from it...which made perfect sense to me..
And after that it made me feel a little better.
I'll end it with the final note,if you're ever in San Diego don't forget to check out the Haunted Whaley house it's a must experience! I promise. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

un,deux, & Sandy Eggo.Part 1

~This is an old post from my Journal Entry,the last 9 days have been surreal i can't even begin to process.It feels like it was all a part of a magical dream. Just a little more than a week ago,I was finishing my Sunday shift & reuniting with one of my dear long lost friends Miss Ziggy the queen <3
I hadn't seen or spoken to Ziggz in a little more than a year,but we were brought back together by the universe! thankfully she was kind enough to be my date to this Company dinner at Wokano. My co-worker Roxy & her lady Bebz picked us up, & we filled her in on all the drama & current events.The highlight of the night,this drink called Wicked Lady,we all got two drink tickets :( two? We were left feeling sober,just high on life I guess?....but I can't recall the last time I laughed this hard soooooo Thank you ladies! <3
               Company Dinner success,but nothing could prepare me for the following week....absolutely NAHTIIIING......

                         ~M O N D A Y ~

My ancient friend B2 (friend of 13+ yrs ) picked me up a little past noon, I made sure i didn't forget the tickets,i made sure the fur children had enough food for the next two days. I must've packed at least four -five different shirts,and three Pj pants.I've gone on road trips before why was this one so different? It felt like this was the first one i was going on alone. It felt really important,i guess because i wasn't going with a  partner no worrying or feeling that extra stress.
On our way to beautiful San Diego,we recorded about 40 minutes of podcast material,we shared our stories on how we met in High school ( we spoke about a time when we were really young & somewhat dumb,it felt like we were 80 years old all we were missing was cat shaped glasses,tea cups and cigarettes) Agnes & Georgina woulda been our old lady names & I won't  forget our discussion about our poor fashion choices Anyone recall them tripp pants? and lacy arm warmers? yep I was that kid..But all jokes aside the reason why we were traveling miles away from home & the question we asked each other..why AFI? out of ALL these millions of other bands. Why after ALL these years? You know ? we'd put on a song and the same energy & comfort for their music was still there.And I will say this part of the reason is because (warning its about to get cheesy) AFI is like the seasons forever changing, forever growing and evolving. I don't think they've ever been at a low point in their career.I almost feel like they have a record for every life crisis ive had,I can always relate whether its something i've gone through or something i will come to understand years later. Growing up with Davey's voice ,screams & poetic lyrics(that i use to scribble on my binders and folders back in 6th grade),and the forever changing sound that Jade,Hunter & Adam created. The sound still felt so new,so catchy,so soothing & so beautiful,beautiful enough to still be considered my favorite band. I am forever greatful to have grown up.with them around id be doomed if i was in middle school with the music of today..Now before I get all sentimental about this band or how much they mean to me ....let me continue.
        We checked in at our hotel(which actually was not as creepy as I thought it was going to be) & got ready,by 5:30 we were in line at the venue,that long walk that you have to make till the end of the line never gets old.Everyone is sooo intimidating but i forget that they are just normal people living day to day lives just trying to find a distraction from their crappy jobs,or boring routines,i don't know? I suppose we are all going through something. B2 & I made small talk in line,at this point we were anxious to be INSIDE THE VENUE c'maaaaaannn open the door i came here to sing not freeze!
We got tired of waiting so before i knew it we both ran & knocked down two security guards and punched a third one in the face as i busted a havok kick across the fourth one...just kidding. Back to reality,When they finally let us in,we had a small dilemma ...who's side do you want to stand on? HUNTER? OR JADE? OMG....HUNTER? OR JADE? .....UMH...JADE. 
As we waited,B2 got approached by this really sweet couple they were showering him with compliments,& me being on show mode i kept my eyes fixed on the stage. A few minutes later the opening band Cold showers came on think Joy Division meets She wants revenge? They were soooo good,I'm actually listening to them as i write this..Although it didn't pump you up for what was about to happen,it didnt in a sense it made me a bit mellow & sleepy.I was sober for this show I wanted to take in the entire experience.Then again who needs to drink at an afi show? If you've never attended one please do & you'll see what I'm talking about. 
So rewind more to maybe two days before I had told B2 "dude its a dream of mine if they could open up the show with Miseria Cantare or even "Strength through wounding"I would loose my shit! I had watched videos of them playing those two intros and it would blow my mind....
                                                            The wait was over ...

 The pretty white lights dimmed,and turned blood red....everyone started screaming & clapping.The beginning sounded like Miseria cantare and i was about to puke &  punch my friend from the excitement OMG IT IS ISN'T IT? 
As Hunter and Jade took their spots followed by Adam who began playing and it was the beginning of Strength through wounding. We all began to shout "Through OUR BLEEDING WE ARE ONE THROUGH OUR BLEEDING WE ARE ONE " It felt like we were all getting ready to fight or something,just feeling the pit open and everyone's arms go up,beginning to feel really squished as Davey made his appearance center stage and conducted the audience like he was a damn Black Sea Captain.I shouted over to my friend " if you need to get out get out now!" every man for himself dammit! But was it too late ? There they were,so majestic,such class,such legendary punk rock stars its as if they floated on stage.They friggin owned the damn stage. I have the video,but a bit TOO embarrassed by my screams to post it.That epic intro was followed by "So beneath you" possibly the most atheist song theyve ever written "no there is nothing above & I wont serve anyone!" They dived in to favorites like 17 crimes,Silver and cold,Girls not grey.And the world premier of "Synesthesia" & "Back into the sun" followed by new hits like trash bat, & get dark.They surprised us with "sacrifice theory" and "endlessly she said" and I sang along like if i was hoping that special person could hear me miles away but no luck!. Insert tears here....My favorite part was when they played "but home is nowhere",& "Morningstar" also i will admit towards the middle of "feed from the floor" i lost my voice and there was a really fat  knot in my throat and my eyes got really watery ohhh...there goes the mascara i underestimated how powerful that song is live. That was the crying song of the night.


There was moments where Davey would grace us with his presence & come to our side and tease us,the whole band was glowing you could tell they were all in such high spirits.The energy in that venue was indescribable,except for the girl that kept wrapping her foot around my leg,* rolls eyes* Till i shouted at her HEY! but for some odd reason she avoided eye contact with me. I came to notice later she was trying to get away from her boyfriend,* face palm* 


During Totalimmortal Davey did his famous crowd walk and proceeded to just throw himself and everyone was screaming,crying, singing trying to grab him.It was a night i'll never forget,I like to call this my therapy session because i feel like i'm on a natural high,its like a new beginning and im in such a good mood for the next weeks or so.
Once they exited the stage my heart sank but I was not disappointed nevaaarrr.We were all in a state of shock ...did you? Did I ? Did we just witnessed that?!?
We found two of B2's friends,their videos actually looked a lot better than ours!
You could tell they were thinking the same thing those foos put on a damn good show!

We slowly made our way out of the venue & walked them to their car and for some odd reason i was up for another cup of Joe cause why the hell nawt? I'm not going to sleep i had so much adrenaline! Starbucks was closed,but the night was young and there was something in the air,a force that was pulling us guiding us,or maybe calling to us to go explore the back of the venue to be exact the parking lot where the tour bus was. There we found a group of 30-35 people hanging out waiting to see if they could meet their heroes.We decided to wait,but I've been to these things long enough to realize maybe we'd be met with disappointment but boy was I proven wrong.Not even 10 minutes of standing there & Jade walks out. unfortunately he only signed a few autographs before jumping into his car where his lovely wife waited.Darn I thought oh well let the wait continue "we'll glow till morning comes" no pun intended. Everyone stood there shivering in 52 degree weather,holding on to posters,tickets,a set list & CDS to get signed. Others like myself just wanted a photo with any of the guise.

Another 15-20 minutes must've passed when Mr.Adam Carson was seen making his way towards us. "OMG ADAM I thought !! It's friggin Adam! " Not enough room to fan girl must keep cool but this was my first time meeting Adam so it was a big deal to me. I couldn't think of anything to tell him other than he was awesome tonight because he was! he is such a great drummer.He was so sweet to his fans,he made sure everyone got a photo or autograph before leaving.He even signed these two toddlers shoes.Those two little girls were the cutest AFI fans there.Everyone was having an awww moment.And I just kept thinking we met Adam,we finally met Adam.My heart felt like it was going to explode,I looked over at B2 and thought dude if we go back to the hotel i will be content with this.But we decided to stick around maybe Hunter will come out? Maybe Davey? the suspense was killing me.
Another 15-20 minutes and Hunter comes out looking all cozy in his jacket and thick framed glasses.Dear Gawwwwd.....its really him.He must've been out there for a little longer than an hour in the freezing cold,just chilling,answering every question that was thrown at him with such attention and kindness.B2 handed him one of his pins,the pumpkin boy and Hunter seemed so amazed "for ME? YOU made THIS?" My heart was melting because i thought gee sometimes people say don't meet your heroes because ya might be disappointed but I was happy to see how humble and kind these guys are.Hunter wanted to hangout,he wanted to keep chatting with his fans,I'm sure the 13 of us that stayed and waited went home with a smile from ear to ear.We headed back to the hotel room and on our way there we were approached by this kind feline,he just wanted to say Hi then he disappeared behind some bushes.There was another furry intruder waiting for us there though.....she was meowing and i wanted to take her in but according to the guy she had fleas ...:/

Look at her she's just there waiting patiently oh it killed me to leave her there. 

Look at his beautiful pattern. 

Once in the room I replayed my stories from Instagram and was mortified because you could hear me scream and sing hardcore fan girling but hey wth? it was fun.
Mission seeing AFI with ancient friend complete !
With that being said Thank you my dearest AFI. And thank you Brian for  making that loooooong drive ! till next time.