Sunday, December 30, 2018

Sandy Eggo & their most creepiest attraction? The Whaley house!

The following day Tuesday Morning still feeling like it was Monday night & did we really see AFI LAST NIGHT? did we really hang out with Adam and Hunter after the show? eh..check out is at 11:30 ...gah I forgot what its like to be this sore from a show it's a good feeling :) I really wish there was a night 2! I would do it all over again! 

As we left the hotel I was saddened to see that the kitty from last night was no longer there ... *sigh* Anyway luggage went in the trunk and we stormed into the streets of San Diego in search for something to photograph,a story to tell, or simply just something different to see that we wouldn't find in LA or Lancaster. We were set on the Whaley house,a cemetery and some other things going on

.We came across some pretty cute but overly expensive souveneirs! WHY? $10 dollars for this?! I'd rather get me a cup of joe & still have money left over. 
San Diego you are ALL about cats,I see here....stuff like that made me miss MY i silently weeped every time no one was watching.I wonder what they're doing right now? ..ok ok FOCUS.

So there it was The Haunted Whaley House,it was almost as if it was daring us to come in,I didn't think it was spooky when we were standing from the outside,maybe because it was broad daylight had i been there at dark? then maybe i would think twice. We took the famous Instagram shot,or the thousand dollar shot.And we walked right in to the gift shop ...oh this IS IT? not creepy at all pffft i got this.It wasnt till we stepped foot in to the court house that I felt the air really stuffy,the vibe changed and I was like " OKAY i see you Whaley house" total Alyssa Edwards style! I put my phone away and i read the paper they handed to us."What the fuck is going on in here on this day?!"

We then headed to my favorite part,and the cutest room i thought was the checkered floor kitchen oh how cute! The cauldrons,the way the broom stick was placed,the pumpkins i could see myself baking a cake in there.Unfortunately we could only take photos through a window we couldn't step foot inside and that kinda bummed me out.

We made our way upstairs as my ancient friend was mumbling about how dangerous these stairs where and what if a child were to fall over? calm down city inspection he then proceeded to try to punch the staircase to see if it was still sturdy. All this while i'm growing nauseous ...gawwwd  quit ya whining pops!

  The Theater room another classic,this is where it gets even more interesting.
So ...we walked in took pictures,i took some classic photos of b2 that perhaps he shall never share with the world.He took a seat because you know ? being as ancient as he is.*Ahem* Then I took a seat right across on the other aisle I sat there staring at the stage wondering what it'd be like to watch a show here? Then I felt someone tap me on my lower back,i turned my friend's still sitting on the other side.I wasn't scared I didn't think anything of it at the time. We took a look at the other rooms.

 I found the children's bedroom a little uneasy, that little doll on the tiny bed......creepy right?!

This was the last room we saw,fancy looking living room right? 
I almost forgot to mention the ladies working the gift shop and tour were dressed in Victorian era dresses.One of them was super chatty & had a ton of stories to share with us...I mean c'mon she works in a haunted house! There's bound to be crazy experiences.She talked about how one time she walked into a meeting in the courtroom,also how shes heard children laughing in the hallways.Big heavy footsteps upstairs,and how she once saw the family dog in one of the rooms. I stood there speechless,but then she made an interesting point & I don't know if it's going to make sense to any of you but she said there's no such thing as ghosts. She says it all has to do with time,slipping  into the past in a different dimension.At least that's what I got from it...which made perfect sense to me..
And after that it made me feel a little better.
I'll end it with the final note,if you're ever in San Diego don't forget to check out the Haunted Whaley house it's a must experience! I promise. 

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