Monday, December 31, 2018

Mouse day.

...The same week of Sandy Eggo,the co -workers & I had a very special trip planned to Disney California for employee appreciation day. (You can only imagine how much my bank account was hating me!) My co-worker Roxy & I had never been so it was kindaaaa of a big deal ...I mean whatever. Anyway we were stoked the only thing that went wromg was our manager not being able to make it because her car was having issues :(

WE FOUND OURSELVES THERE SUPER EARLY... READY TO FACE OUR FEARS & bring out our inner childhood.The air was filled with that lovely churro scent & the sweet aroma coming from the cafe ....oh i could've fainted right there & then.
Before I continue you must know I don't do crazy  rides... specially the ones were you find yourself upside down...uh noooo.
But I wanted to get on the ferris wheel ..& Roxy was not Having it so we made a deal get on the ferris wheel & I will get on the incredibles ride.How bad can it be?!? ...

This is from inside the ferris wheel cart...I will confess once we were up really high I wanted to panic.And looking over at Roxy didn't help she had her back pack open ready to puke if needed. 
Lucky for us we sat next to this lovely couple who later assured me they both wouldn't do the incredicoaster.I was officially freaking out.We grabbed a beer before dying time. I finished my beer & looked over at the damn thing I really have to get on it Roxy?!? Yes...I got on the ferris wheel she says.So with sweaty palms & a frown on my face we made line for it ...fml.

The outcome I passed out ...& The parademics arrived shortly.
.. kidding I did close my eyes for most of the ride.I have no clue how fast we were going but when the person is next to you laughing & screaming it felt like an eternity.
The last few seconds I shouted over to her "I'm going to kill you for making me get on this!" 
Once off,safe on the ground I thanked the universe for getting me through that. Did we just get on that?!? Roxy! I'm in one piece holy shit!!!! 
"Let's do it again" she says...
Da fuk I ain't....the only way to convince me is another beer & a churro & even then it's not a guarantee. 

                        Winter Michelada

One of my favorites was cars land,it was such a fun ride & I can clearly understand why the wait to this is 60 plus minutes. The scenery & detail is simply breathtaking. It was one of the few that didn't have me shitting bricks. 


The Disney workshop wins though! We got to draw one of my ALL-TIME favorite characters Sally from the nightmare before Christmas.Like Roxy said this was meant for you! It was so relaxing & the guy giving the class was ador-ABle. 

As night approached ...we had one big ride left on Roxy's list. The guardians of the Galaxy ride...once there looking high up at the building i freaked. "Umh...yeah I think I will wait for you out here .. this is where I draw the line" But nontheless she convinced me ..worst mistake! 
Our manager had told us this was her favorite ride maybe its not that bad ...boy where we wrong.
There's not JUST one drop ...there's multiple!!!! I mean your ass is literally off the damn seat. At the end it takes you all the way to the top & there's a tiny window that opens to show you the view of the city...and you think awww wow so beautiful...& then you drop. I was unprepared & ended up holding hands with a complete stranger & after it was over he proceeds to ask me "are you okay?" Looking rather concerned.Boy...was I embarrassed....:) Don't get me started on how I came out on the damn's hidden evidence! 

To end this was a great experience.It had me feeling young again.I will definitely be back for the workshop class & the kiddie rides.Thanks to Roxy for keeping up with my scaredy cat self. Till next time Disney. 

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