Thursday, May 16, 2019

I'm only happy when it RAIIIIINS

At work, regretting drinking  that last cup of coffee not only am i feeling awake ..but now i'm desperately waiting for the clock to strike 2 &  i'm feeling some mild anxiety. I just printed out my tickets to following events.Garbage tonight, Slipknot tmrw night (Slipknot thats a first for me and i don't know what expect ...i'm excited though)  and original Pet Sematary midnight screening tmrw. Today for the first time I feel like the universe is telling me yo calm the fuck down everythings going to be ALRIGHT you got this..everything's slowly falling into place.

Just breathe, my bank account has been taking a beating since December of last year no joke ...but you know what? i'd rather waste my money on all these shows,events etc than have it go to something that isn't gonna make me happy. 
I don't have much to say, but we have about 17 dogs in Daycare and man...i just REALLY REALLY WANNA GO HOME TO TAKE A NAP AND RECHARGE. 

I'm trying to stay away from social media for the next week or so, this whole ANTI- abortion thing is really pissing me off. I saw this piece of art that read "AGAINST ABORTION? HAVE A VASECTOMY" 
and those are my exact thoughts. I feel like instead of going forward we're going backwards on all these things that we use to have freedom on. As a woman, what happens? if you've been raped? now you're forced to keep the baby? what if you CAN'T afford to have a baby ? what if Oopsies happen? they happen ALL the time. 
My friend & i were talking about it last night ? and he said ...can you imagine if THE WHOLE GOVERNMENT WERE WOMEN AND THEY WERE FORCING MEN TO GET VASECTOMIES?



Sunday, May 5, 2019

I'm sad,I'm excited then baby I've had it.

I'm sitting at work,my friends just brought me coffee...and i of course almost bawled.It's what i dooo...y'all have no idea how much joy i feel.It's like a pick up moment.

Another tiny update from work...gawwwsh I wish i sucked less and started updating this neglected blog more.But lately I can't bring my mind to focus, or sit at home and sit still.There is just so much of me feeling a mix of anxiety & restless.And being up and down,and getting errands done, and i'm walking a lot more to and from work, perhaps working 6 days a week has put me on this get IT AND GO MODE! 
Some of my friends have commented on how it  looks like I've slimmed down....YEAH & just yesterday I joined my friends the Merinos for a movie night  (we went to see LA LLORONA) & I decided to wear my new Bikini kill shirt..did i mention it has a doodle of a dog giving the finger? did i also mention that its a WHITE SHIRT? it's a small in men and it doesn't fit me tight! seeing some slow but good progress ! So yay! 

i have NEWS.
1 - i finished the next story for Slutcake #6 issue if ya haven't ...would you be so kind as to check out @JolieRuin on instagram. You can also find her under @Riotgrrrlpress i believe. Anyway her art and her zines are everything i was missing in my life.I guarantee if ya haven't read one of should! because like ?  what are you reading at the moment? 

2- I recently saw this post online ...they were asking for zine contributors to this new bikini kill zine! anyone who saw them/will see them.Lucky for me not only did i go to one night ! i went to two! no regrets it was so worth it.I submitted my story so stay tune for that :)  tis was a dream come true <3


4- I need to update my resume. 

5 - I lost my favorite pair of Sunglasses