Sunday, May 5, 2019

I'm sad,I'm excited then baby I've had it.

I'm sitting at work,my friends just brought me coffee...and i of course almost bawled.It's what i dooo...y'all have no idea how much joy i feel.It's like a pick up moment.

Another tiny update from work...gawwwsh I wish i sucked less and started updating this neglected blog more.But lately I can't bring my mind to focus, or sit at home and sit still.There is just so much of me feeling a mix of anxiety & restless.And being up and down,and getting errands done, and i'm walking a lot more to and from work, perhaps working 6 days a week has put me on this get IT AND GO MODE! 
Some of my friends have commented on how it  looks like I've slimmed down....YEAH & just yesterday I joined my friends the Merinos for a movie night  (we went to see LA LLORONA) & I decided to wear my new Bikini kill shirt..did i mention it has a doodle of a dog giving the finger? did i also mention that its a WHITE SHIRT? it's a small in men and it doesn't fit me tight! seeing some slow but good progress ! So yay! 

i have NEWS.
1 - i finished the next story for Slutcake #6 issue if ya haven't ...would you be so kind as to check out @JolieRuin on instagram. You can also find her under @Riotgrrrlpress i believe. Anyway her art and her zines are everything i was missing in my life.I guarantee if ya haven't read one of should! because like ?  what are you reading at the moment? 

2- I recently saw this post online ...they were asking for zine contributors to this new bikini kill zine! anyone who saw them/will see them.Lucky for me not only did i go to one night ! i went to two! no regrets it was so worth it.I submitted my story so stay tune for that :)  tis was a dream come true <3


4- I need to update my resume. 

5 - I lost my favorite pair of Sunglasses

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