Saturday, January 19, 2019

Did you see me fall on Parkman ave?

As much as I love the rain I'm really glad it';s over,I love walking home & the one day that I did attempt to walk in the rain i ate shit..not literally but lets just say I went home with Muddy tights. 

I'm sitting at home watching Ghost World & slightly regretting my haircut,I look like a little boy.
Earlier I found myself at Rite Aid & was met with the horror of the Valentine's day aisle...already? we JUST STARTED THE NEW YEAR.I'm not some bitter Grinch about the holiday.It's just weird? Last time I didn't have a Valentine's was? four years ago.And i'm not about to go on some blind date gah the idea of it is sickening & not in a good way.
Moving on ...I'm just ranting 
Up until today I realized I have nothing exciting to share with anyone, I've been working nonstop all month long & I got some gnarly overtime. Can you believe I've been sober? I haven't had a drink in the last three weeks.It's not like I drink everyday but by now i would've attended a bar or two or purchased a wine bottle. 
The reason is! ~ I've been blowing up my money on food & & & SHOWS! oh man the shows are looking fan-fuckingtastic! I am ecstatic.

They go as follows...

Peter Murphy Years of Bauhaus feb 28th ~ yes i hear ya overpriced BUT ? is it really? to hear the godfather of goth play Bauhaus material I think it's worth it. Last i saw him was ink n iron 2015 in Long beach & he was such a treat to watch! & most of all he sounded amazing. 

Ladytron March 1st ~ Fonda theater (these foos have NOT toured in like? 7? 8 years? I've NEVER seen them & I discovered them a few years back on the Beth Ditto Pandora.Talk about being laaaate! 

BLAQK AUDIO ( Davey <3 !!!! & JADE from AFI) MARCH 16TH <---- THIS IS ACTUALLY MY BIRTHDAY SHOW!!!! okay why AM I YELLING? i've always wanted to see AFI on my bday BUT this is just as great ! it's half of AFI and they are releasing a new album March 15th & I've been replaying the heck out of the new song "The Viles" ..I'm almost certain my cats have learned the lyrics to this! Also some of my favorite people are joining me for this & I couldn't be any happier ..what best way to celebrate my 28th year? aka fourth cat life?

She wants Revenge ~ March 30th  Santa Ana observatory 
This might've been kinda like ya know what ? (impulsive buy ?) i wanna see em again fuck it, that and I'm slowly becoming obsessed with these guys. Why haven't they released new material? WHY? 

Lebanon Hanover April 21st okay I've been following this duo for years & every time they would announce a tour it'd be like on the other side of the world.And that happens with a lot of industrial bands there are so many many great ones but they'll never ever play in the US but LUCKILY these two are coming ! and they are playing at the echo so close to my neighborhood. 

Bikini Kill april 25th Hollywood palladium umh? this is the only show I still haven't gotten tickets to ..and it makes me feel a little nauseous...because 1. I REALLY WANNA FUCKING GO! 2. IT'S FRIGGIN BIKINI KILL! 3.EVERY COOL LOOKING FEMINIST WILL BE AT THIS SHOW! 
Bikini Kill are one of those childhood bands that help shape you into the person you're going to become.
there's bound to be a riot...and now the assholes reselling these tickets are going for $150 & up like c'man maaaannn. 
idk how but i'm going to make it happen! 

So thats what my year is looking like so far....

With all that going on I need to make room to squeeze in Monsterpalooza 
reason #1 Gris Grimly one of my all time faves is doing a meet & greet. 
& I've never been this is the ultimate horror nerd event! 

Beside entertainment,I'm working on a zine ( that is taking me eternity to finish but i've given myself a deadline) 
& seeing the San Diego Zinefest happening again this year i'd like to book a spot,for that one and also the one in Tijuana. 
Those are my goals this year. 
I'll be sharing some entries on my next blog.
Till next time. 

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