Friday, January 11, 2019

My friend Wanda.

My friends are cartoon characters
Short entry for a productive,Charlie Brown kinda day.This week has possibly been the most tiring & long.I woke up at 5 am today...yep 5 fucking Am just to get ready,not complaining about my opening shift (actually really thankful because im ALWAys stuck closing it's such a bummer but not today! Which meant I got to run errands & catch up on reading ...this is what it's like to have a life!!!!)  but I WAS stuck walking to work.Its 25 minutes if I power walk it,but at 7 am sun is barely rising & it's 50 degrees out.So there I was hauling ass to get there on time. Blasting ladytron on the headphones which btw I got my ticket to see them march 1st show cause fuck yeah I have to at least see them once!
I got a message from Wanda on the gram that read "Chibi I got you coffee" I almost cried!!!
One because I had completely forgotten that I was working with Wanda & two coffee!!!!!!!!!
I use to work with Wanda in the studio City location she was such a chill gal. She was that one cool looking feminist with short black hair,& her skeleton hairclips.She was Always in her own little world.Coming out of daycare carrying her 300 page books & coffee cup.Anyway I saw some of myself in her...when I was 22 that is. I get to the store and she gets off her cool tiny car,sporting doc martens Enid Coleslaw man! & she hands me this yummy looking drink...for ME?!? Are you for real?!?
Horchata coffee!!!!!

She is full of horror stories from the studio City location, which I'm thankful I don't work there anymore!
Praise Satan!
But as shes telling her stories her face expressions are priceless & her hand gestures are everything! Hence why i referenced charlie brown ....shes a character!

The day went by really smooth,Roxy got there,began her bathing shift. Why cant every day be like this? Everything went well,no asshole customers.We were good on our time & daycare was mellow.

Wanda gave me a ride home,shared a fuckboy experience with me.She taught me new words "dickppointment" wtf dude .
11pm-1 am are fuckboy hours whaaaaa?!? It's a whole other language.A lot has changed since I've been so behind but she shared her wisdom on the subject....jeez.
Wanda knows y'all.

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