Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Random writings...teeny update from work.

It's finally happened..i'm sick & i sound like a 65 year old lady who probably smoked way too much in the last two decades. Anyway ...I have tons to say I swear but i need to collect my thoughts first...right now all i can think about is my runny nose & Link getting us some burgers from the HABIT ...and and and...going home and napping. 
I actually miss the gym ..haven't been there in the last 4 days and it's now when i start feeling gross and ugh. 
           I do need to talk about going to see Sum 41 & followed by BA the next night,my tiny tantrum and how i'm in a I HATE EVERYONE Mood.But at least Ollie is here..Ollie is this adorable golden Collie mix.He's the best he's always smiling and he's super friendly. Anyway he's my favorite from Daycare...i recently found out he came from Canada..why are the best things from Canada?...The birthday massacre? for example. Also some lady came in today promoting their dog food brand FROM CANADA,What is going on? so I started playing TBM and now i wanna go home and reread Boring Girls just because.That book is one of my happy places. 

Anyway ...I wish I wasn't sick I also wish Cafecito organico was opened later than 6...currently at work doing a 10 hour shift. 

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